Success stories

OLX Autos Indonesia

Measuring the effectiveness of awareness campaigns with Brand Lift Insights

OLX Banner OLX Logo
11.7 %
Awareness uplift
*Absolute uplift among prospective car buyers compared to control group
16.3 %
Association uplift
*Absolute uplift among prospective car buyers compared to control group
13.7 %
Motivation uplift
*Absolute uplift among prospective car buyers compared to control group

The Objective

Seeing how campaigns on TikTok boost spontaneous awareness

OLX Autos is an online marketplace for second-hand cars in Indonesia. The brand wanted to improve spontaneous awareness among its target consumers in the region. While doing so, OLX Autos sought to measure the effectiveness of its awareness campaigns on TikTok. The goal was to see if these campaigns led to improved spontaneous awareness, positive brand associations, and purchase intent.

Specifically, the brand aimed to drive higher brand recall and consideration of OLX Autos as a second-hand car marketplace. And at the same time, OLX Autos sought to build the brand associations of having high-quality used cars, guaranteed warranty, and good user benefits.

The Solution

Leveraging Brand Lift Insights to look under the hood of the campaign

OLX Autos took advantage of TikTok's Brand Lift Insights, conducted in partnership with Kantar. Brand Lift Insights uses a survey-based approach and control/exposed research design to measure the difference in attitudes between two groups of consumers. The idea is to determine the attitudinal effects of advertising exposure, helping advertisers understand their campaign investment and impressions.

For OLX Autos, that meant measuring the difference in spontaneous awareness between the control and exposed groups, among other metrics. The brand also split its target audience into two further groups: prospective buyers (who planned to buy a car within the next two years), and non-prospective buyers.

The online marketplace created sleek ads featuring actors/public figures in stylish spectacles trying out their dream cars. The high-octane vibe drove home the brand's key associations, with high-quality visuals mirroring the high-quality of the car lineup. The ads showcased OLX Autos' logo in the middle of the screen within the first few seconds as well, in a bid to elevate brand recall.

OLX Autos created two sets of ads in total. First, the team shot one long commercial of around one minute, and then cut it into several ads. The first batch of two creatives were used as TopView Ads, which is the first content users see when they open the app. The second batch of four creatives were used for the brand auction part of the campaign, where In-Feed Ads were placed in users' For You feeds.

The Results

Driving spontaneous awareness uplift for the second-hand car marketplace

The Brand Lift Insights demonstrated that OLX Autos' TikTok campaign drove real business results. Awareness rose 11.7 percentage points overall among the exposed group of prospective car buyers, compared to the control group. The most significant uplifts for top-of-mind and unaided brand awareness were among prospective buyers and females.

As for the brand associations OLX Autos sought to drive home, the exposed group saw an uplift of 16.3 percentage points compared to the control group. And brand motivation also increased by 13.7 percentage points across brand favorability, preference, purchase intent, and recommendation on a total level.

OLX Autos' campaign and brand lift insights demonstrate that TikTok's platform offers solid return on investment.

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