Success Stories


Increasing consideration among diversity-conscious audiences in Australia by fostering brand love and affinity as the first travel client to launch content supporting the LGBTQIA+ community.

Hilton Hilton
20.8 M
1.8 %
Average CTR
+6.9 %
Lift in Ad Recall
The Objective

To be recognised as a brand that truly embraces diversity and is committed to providing welcoming and inclusive stays for all

Hilton is a renowned global brand that emphasizes providing a welcoming stay for all guests. Their mission centers around inclusivity and creating positive experiences for every guest and every stay.

As part of this campaign, Hilton joined forces with LGBTQIA+ charity organisation Minus18 with the aim of bringing more Queer Formals across Australia to life to create a safe space where young people feel welcome. The partnership was launched on 1 March 2023 in conjunction with Sydney WorldPride 2023 in a bid to leverage publicity around the highly-visible event to generate more awareness for their brand.

TikTok, known for its strong and engaged community, was the platform of choice for Hilton's content creation and amplification.

The Solution

Spreading the love with maximum campaign exposure

Hilton's overarching strategy was to establish cultural relevance and brand credibility among their target audience - the Australia and Global LGBTQIA+ community - by forming a meaningful association to a prominent cultural moment while presenting the brand as the solution to relatable travel tensions. The campaign utilized various ad formats and TikTok-owned tools to achieve its key performance indicators (KPIs).

TopView, an ad format that provides maximum exposure, was used to gain reach and visibility for Hilton's campaign. Reach and Frequency (R&F), along with the interactive add-on Super Like, were employed to generate engagement on top of reach. These solutions were chosen strategically to maximize the campaign's impact and effectiveness.

The campaign's key message centered around "providing a welcoming stay for all." It aimed to meaningfully elucidate the various aspects of a truly welcoming stay in the context of WorldPride 2023. The creative execution featured a group of TikTok creators and influencers narrating the Pride event, event pictures from Hilton and their campaign partner Minus18, an interview with Ruby Rose, content from popular creator Lacey-Jade Christie, and a hero event summary video. The brand also collaborated with @joshandmattdesign, selected from a list of TikTok creators and influencers.

The Results

Serving pride and brand awareness across the board

The campaign yielded impressive results, indicating its success in achieving Hilton's campaign objectives. The key metrics that defined the campaign's success included:


  • Impressions: 4,907,831

  • Clicks/CTR: 159,277/3.25%

Reach & Frequency (R&F):

  • Impressions: 16.9 million

  • CTR: 0.34%

Brand Lift Study:

  • +6.9% Ad Recall

Comments left on the videos of creators selected to front the campaign were largely positive, demonstrating strong support for the overarching cause alongside an appreciation of the culturally-relevant nature of the content generated.

Beyond the performance figures, the campaign achieved a larger impact as Hilton became the first travel client in Australia to launch content supporting the LGBTQIA+ community. This initiative contributed to fostering inclusivity within the travel industry and building positive brand sentiment among diverse audiences.

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