

Driving huge awareness for L’Oreal Men Expert with young digital natives in Germany.

The Objective

Founded in 1909, L’Oreal is the world’s largest cosmetics company and an innovative leader in the space. When it needed to drive mass awareness for its L’Oreal Men Expert range with digital natives in Germany, it turned to TikTok – home to a highly-engaged digital community ready to share its creativity at the touch of a fingertip.

The Solution

To achieve its goal, L’Oreal ran a Branded Hashtag Challenge – one of TikTok’s best solutions for delivering exposure and engagement. Called #StyleLikeAnExpert, the challenge asked users to showcase their daily grooming routine with a creative and interesting video. 

Branded Hashtag Challenges pool thousands of user-generated posts onto one central “challenge page,” alongside a description and external link, using a hashtag which also appears in TikTok’s trending hashtag list. Combined as a package with additional ad formats – a TopView (taking over the whole screen upon app opening) and One Day Max In-Feed Ad (guaranteeing a short, sharp burst of high exposure) – Branded Hashtag Challenges generate wide awareness and deep engagement because of their viral appeal.

The TikTok community is also fiercely creative and will readily take part in challenges like this, proud to show their personalities. In this case, the campaign drove huge exposure and engagement because its creative concept was entertaining and easy to take part in – just find us a person who doesn’t have a grooming routine. L’Oreal also collaborated with five popular Creators with large followings to kickstart the campaign, giving it mass appeal and a huge boost in reach.

The Results

The campaign obliterated benchmarks, generating 242+ million video views and 191,000+ entries, showing that the TikTok community enjoyed connecting with the concept. It heavily interacted with a familiar product in a fresh, playful and creative way, that put the product at the heart of the campaign and drove the message home with ease. Its 13.34% engagement rate is ample proof. Expertly done, L’Oreal.

Verwendete Produkte
TikTok For Business


TikTok ist die führende Plattform für kurze Videos auf dem Smartphone.

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TikTok For Business

In-Feed Ads

Erzähle deine Markengeschichte wie ein TikTok-Creator, indem du Video-Inhalte in den Feed „Für dich“ integrieren.

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TikTok For Business


Ein Videoformat, das deine Marke auf der besten und unübersehbaren Platzierung und mit Bild, Ton und Text die volle Aufmerksamkeit von Usern auf sich zieht.

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TikTok For Business

Branded Hashtag-Challenge

Ein einzigartiges Interaktionsformat, das auf User ausgerichtet ist, die Inhalte erstellen und sich ausdrücken möchten. Generiere eine starke Markenbekanntheit durch Interaktionsmöglichkeiten, die weit über einen einfachen Klick hinausgehen.

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