

Helping boost web conversions for HelloFresh across a whole new audience in Germany

The Objective

HelloFresh  is the world’s leading meal kit providers – helping people around the globe make tasty, fresh food while learning how to cook for themselves and their families. With a mission to reach a brand new audience across Germany, HelloFresh launched an acquisition campaign on TikTok aimed at food lovers across the country. 

The Solution

HelloFresh partnered with a TikTok creative partner agency to create a suite of ads using 100% native-feel content. Produced by smaller Creators, the mouth-watering videos featuring close-ups of the cooking process scream authenticity, and prove the power of user-generated content on TikTok with their astonishing levels of engagement. 

Aside from leveraging authentic creatives HelloFresh is also following our TikTok Tactics best practices through the adoption of  Events API (S2S)  to fuel advanced tracking capabilities and also  Lowest Cost  bidding, a bidding strategy that does not require a bid, instead it will use the available ad group budget to generate as many results as possible at the lowest cost per result. Finally, HelloFresh also adopted  Campaign Budget Optimization  to optimize the budget at the campaign level in real time instead of the ad group.

The  TikTok Events API  is a Server-to-Server (S2S) integration that allows you to share website and app visitor events directly to TikTok. Data that is shared via the Events API is processed similarly to information shared via the TikTok pixel and TikTok SDK business tools. You can leverage events data to power solutions like dynamic product ads, custom targeting, campaign optimization and attribution.

The Results

The HelloFresh campaign yielded some very impressive results for the short duration it was live, exceeding our benchmarks on nearly every front. The cost-per-lead reduced by 32% in comparison to other platforms and benchmarks, while a strong click through rate of 0.49% showed a genuine interest in HelloFresh from the German TikTok community. 

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TikTok For Business


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