Success Story


How HiPRO tapped into TikTok to supercharge sales and overcome seasonality

Cover image HiPRO Logo HiPRO
+318 %
ROAS vs Circana benchmark
+7.1 %
Sales Uplift in exposed stores vs control group
+16.1 %
Ad Recall (Brand Lift Study)

The Objective

At the end of 2023, HiPRO, Danone's protein yoghurt brand, chose TikTok to boost brand consideration as well as push conversion, in order to overcome seasonality. The company aimed to increase sales all year long (especially during winter) by launching a multimedia campaign using TikTok as core platform.

The Solution

To make a significant impact on the business, a comprehensive 360-degree strategy was developed to address all critical elements for success. Recognising the paramount importance of creativity on TikTok, HiPRO decided to engage creators and to support the brand in this regard, TikTok implemented TTCX, an exclusive programme that connects brands with TikTok creators to produce high performing content for the campaign. In terms of planning, in partnership with Mindshare, a bundling approach was adopted, combining both premium branding products (TopFeed) and efficient in-feed video (Auction Reach and Focused Views).

In order to effectively measure the impact of the campaign, incrementality tests were conducted, assessing upper-funnel KPIs through a Brand Lift Study (BLS) and lower-funnel metrics through a Geolift study conducted with an external partner, Circana. This involved excluding 4 geographies from the campaign to create a control group for performance comparison between exposed and unexposed groups.

The Results

The results achieved across all stages of the funnel were remarkable and helped HiPRO boost sales during a period of low seasonality. Awareness metrics showed a significant positive increase over the control group, exceeding industry benchmarks and reaching an impressive x2.1 in ad recall, a x2.6 in awareness, and a x7.4 in brand association vs. Italian norms. Furthermore, the geolift analysis showed a +7.1% increase in sales lift, with a highly positive ROAS of three times the Circana benchmark.

In addition, the incremental sales study not only served to measure the causal impact of the TikTok campaign on sales, but, collaborating with Mindshare and Acceleration, also informed the Media Mix Modelling highlighting TikTok as a highly effective channel to include in future marketing strategies to drive incremental results with positive ROI.

Thanks to the implementation of native creatives and the TikTok Ads framework, we were able to generate incremental sales and positive brand-building KPIs. We look forward to continuing to engage our audience in future TikTok campaigns

Yoann Steri
Digital & Data Director Danone

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