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Creating impactful content

Building your strategy

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Creating standout videos to support your cause starts with a solid content strategy. Having this set of guiding principles ensures everything you make works in lockstep to serve your larger mission. 

To hone in on your unique approach, ask yourself:

  • Who am I talking to? Map out your primary and secondary audiences you want to connect with.  
  • What is my ‘thing’? Figure out what your organization can do for or offer your audience that no one else can. 
  • How do I want to come across? Find what tone of voice will be most effective for sharing your message with your audience. Consider creating a persona to pull it off.

NY Public Library Video (US)  uses a homemade look to wrap educational content in engaging visual formats that keep viewers watching.

These data-backed strategy tips can also help set you off on the right path:

  • Think like a creator. Our community values authenticity over everything. Follow the “homemade” look of regular TikTok users to make sure your content feels true to you and the platform.
  • Experiment regularly. Try different formats, themes, trends, audio and edits to see what lands with your audience. 
  • Teach us something new. The most effective educational videos provide thought-provoking information or actionable tips for daily life.
  • Put the lesson up front. Don’t bury the lede. Tell your audience exactly what topic you’re covering in the first 3 seconds. 
  • Have a strong POV. Provide a fresh perspective on a subject everyone *thinks* they understand.
National Down Syndrome Society takes a moment to break down the unknown inequities people with Down Syndrome often face