Success stories


Measuring campaign performance with post-purchase surveys

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Higher Post Purchase Survey ROAS than click-based ROAS

The Objective

German apparel brand Snocks wanted to identify their top-performing channels ahead of Black Friday, so they utilised post-purchase surveys to measure the effectiveness of their campaign spend on TikTok.

The Solution

Using post-purchase surveys, which utilise the voice of the customer as a source of attribution, the brand saw that many customers discovered their brand on TikTok, indicating a higher effectiveness of TikTok than click-based attribution models suggested.

To confirm TikTok's impact on sales from the post-purchase survey results and to optimise their cross-platform strategy for Black Friday, Snocks ran a test on TikTok to monitor revenue at different spend levels.

The Results

The test led to an immediate impact on revenue, demonstrating the accuracy of post-purchase surveys as a measure of platform performance and the value of tracking view-through conversions on TikTok.

Snocks were confidently able to scale spend on TikTok during Black Friday and now look forward to introducing brand campaigns alongside performance advertising on the platform. The brand plans to use post-purchase surveys as an important source of full-funnel measurement.

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Our post-purchase survey ROAS for TikTok is more than four times higher than TikTok ROAS with click-based measurement.

Edvin Dizdaric, Performance Marketing Manager

Entdecke weitere Lösungen bei TikTok for Business

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