Pre-loved fashion is forever thanks to Vinted – with TikTok delivering brand-new conversions

Vinted image 4
17 %
more app installs
22 %
more sign-ups
14 %
more first-time sellers

The Objective

Can second-hand become the first choice? Vinted (@Vinted) impressively demonstrates it can! More than 2000 employees support its community of millions of members across Europe and beyond to find pre-loved clothes a new home giving it a new lease of life.

Thanks to Vinted, discovering unique fashion items and accessories online has never been easier. But was the TikTok community ready? Without a doubt. And Vinted was just as ready to inspire users in Germany

The Solution

As part of this, TikTok celebrated its premiere in Vinted’s media mix for Germany. To kick off, a set of baseline data for conversion metrics was determined using pilot content. These were deployed to inform and optimize the testing strategy as well as to generate insight-rich performance data for the subsequent campaigns.

Vinted’s tried-and-tested campaign structures, lead nurturing strategies, and best practices were key ingredients in the design of these campaigns. The creatives were delivered as In-Feed Ads, placed into users’ “For you” feed directly alongside native content lending them an organic look and feel.

Not just one but two campaigns were deployed. The first was optimizing for app installs as an upper funnel event, the second for sign-ups in the lower funnel. Throughout these campaigns, the Vinted team regularly tweaked the budget and launched new video creatives, managing them centrally through TikTok Ads Manager.

The Results

A conversion lift study (CLS) demonstrated that the smart combination of optimizing for events both in the upper and in the lower funnel was the perfect fit and worked like a charm.

As a result, the conversion benchmarks established at the start could be consistently boosted by double digitsapp installs by 17.44%, sign-ups by 22.53%, and the number of first-time sellers by 14.64%.

Vinted’s TikTok debut in Germany was a resounding success, placing circular fashion discovery at the forefront of the collective imagination.

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