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Social news

What鈥檚 happening in social media today? And who鈥檚 the latest talk of the TikTok town? Well, we鈥檒l tell you! Tune in here to get the hottest and buzziest news, views, and public commentaries in the social media world today.

Social news
Kristel Candelario, la madre que en junio de 2023 dej贸 sola a su hija de 16 meses durante 10 d铆as por irse de vacaciones a Puerto Rico y Detroit, ha sido condenada a cadena perpetua si libertad condicional. #notibomba #kristelcandelario #madre #hija #juicio #corte #justicia #ohio #puertorico #juez #fyp #viral
music notes
original sound - notibomba - NB