Success stories


Japanese online gift store launches Spark Ads test campaign and achieved 67% uplift in conversion rates

+67 %
Better CVR*
*Compared to an in-feed ads campaign ran during the same two-week period.
-39 %
Lower CPA*
>30.8 K

The Objective

As one of Japan’s largest online gift stores, TANP offers a huge selection of gift items across various categories that can be purchased and delivered via their online store and app. Their end-to-end services make the gifting process seamless and convenient for users, especially those needing gift ideas – as TANP offers gift recommendations based on occasion.

Recognising TikTok as a platform with the potential to help them reach large numbers of audiences, TANP wanted to test the effectiveness of  Spark Ads and find the best campaign setup that would help them drive more app installs.

The Solution

Spark Ads, a native ad format, allows TANP to amplify their organic videos and those from creators, maximising the reach and business potential of their top-performing organic content. With the Spark Ads campaign launched using owned and creator-owned videos, TANP could show up on the ‘For You’ feed of targeted users, earning engagement that would contribute to their organic profile’s engagement volume.

To ensure that they are targeting relevant audiences and maximising their marketing spend, TANP leveraged Custom Audiences to exclude existing users (up to 53K) who have previously installed their app. This was done by uploading a Customer File, where their customers can be matched with users on TikTok, if applicable.

Capitalising on the ad campaign and boosted traffic to their TikTok page, TANP put in place a strong creative strategy to keep their audience entertained. To capture the attention of broad audiences, they created videos across diverse creative styles, including seasonal gift recommendations, gift unboxing, product introductions, and “day in the life vlogs”.

The Results

Through the strategic implementation of Spark Ads, TANP recorded 67% better Conversion Rate (CVR) and 39% lower Cost Per Action (CPA) on their Spark Ads compared to a non-Spark Ads campaign during the same two-week period. The Spark Ads campaign also recorded over 308K impressions, 42% higher than that recorded in the Diversion Ads campaign. With the success of this campaign, TANP concluded the effectiveness of Spark Ads for their brand growth, giving them a winning formula to gain better results in future campaigns.

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