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TikTok works with industry experts, non-governmental organizations and industry associations around the world to build a safe platform for users. In India, we have collaborated with the following organizations to share best practices and exchange ideas on safety-related topics.

Cyber Peace Foundation

Cyber Peace Foundation (CPF) is a civil society organization, think tank of cyber security and policy experts with the vision of pioneering cyber peace Initiatives to build collective resiliency against cyber crimes & global threats of cyber warfare. 
In February 2019, As part of the #SafeHumSafeInternet campaign ushering in Safer Internet Day in India, TikTok partnered with the CPF to promote online safety. Together, they held an event in New Delhi, to discuss the importance of online safety, educate internet users of safety practices to follow, along with efforts that should be taken to promote online safety. To further illustrate and educate internet users on the various aspects of online safety, together they launched posters which were distributed amongst an extensive list of schools and colleges pan India. 
Most recently, TikTok worked with CPF to develop TikTok Tips for Parents and Teens, a guide which aims to provide description and guidelines in general online wellbeing tips for teens and their parents.

Data Security Council of India

Data Security Council of India (DSCI), is a not-for-profit, industry body on data protection in India, setup by NASSCOM®, committed to making the cyberspace safe, secure and trusted by establishing best practices, standards and initiatives in cyber security and privacy. As part of the Data Privacy Day 2020, DSCI and TikTok came together to launch an interactive and informative quiz for its community online with the aim to instill a sense of responsibility among users and urge them to take charge of their own online privacy and safety.

Digital Empowerment Foundation

Digital Empowerment Foundation works to empower marginalised communities in information dark regions to access, consume and produce information online using digital interventions and ICT tools. In August 2019, as part of #WaitASecToReflect campaign, TikTok partnered with the Digital Empowerment Foundation (DEF) to execute a pan-India digital literacy programme focused on the usage of user generated content platforms, where they conducted awareness workshops among consumers across key cities in 10 states of India.

Suicide Prevention India Foundation

Suicide Prevention India Foundation (SPIF) is a non-profit involved in the suicide prevention movement in India. SPIF views suicide as a public health crisis and aims to increase awareness and promote community led engagement in suicide prevention. In observance of World Suicide Prevention Day 2019, TikTok, collaborated with Suicide Prevention India Foundation (SPIF) to launch #YourLifeMatters, a campaign to spread awareness around the importance on suicide prevention by becoming a gatekeeper to identify someone with suicidal tendencies and be of assistance to such individuals and refer them to a mental health professional.


Check out 'The Adarsh TikToker' video series for more details on our safety features and community guidelines :

For more videos, see:

Encouraging everyone to be responsible digital citizens
In today’s times when misinformation and inaccurate news is rampant, as responsible netizens, we all need to be extremely careful with what we create and share online. Fake news is harmful, makes us ill-informed, erodes trust and impacts communities. TikTok has launched its Public Service Announcement (PSA) titled #MatKarForward  to help raise awareness among the digital community around creation and sharing of misinformation

Inspire creativity and bring joy
TikTok enables everyone to be a creator, and encourages users to share their passion and creative expression through their videos. As a global community that thrives on creativity and expression, it is important that users feel safe and comfortable in their online interactions. It is of utmost importance that we promote responsible use of user generated content platforms such as TikTok.

Matters of the mind
Talking about mental health issues is more important than ever before. At TikTok, promoting a positive, safe and inclusive in-app environment is a top priority for us. We at TikTok are committed to finding ways to encourage users to talk about mental well-being and break the stigma associated with it.