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If I see the word DUPE one more time on my FYP I’m going to scream. I don’t want this to come across as tone deaf, it’s more about overconsumption, not about buying THE product because it’s trending. I like this
trend right now. Is the Clinique Black honey Lippie worth it? Not really? The formula is nice if you need more hydration, but the color pay off is just ok. I don’t think a lot of the “dupes” are either. I saw a girl buy like 8 different lipsticks trying to find a dupe, and I was confused. Don’t spend more money trying to find a product that will replicate the look. Tik Tok pushes capitalistic consumerism more than any other form of media, and it’s crazy to me. I know a lot of people out there want to find dupes because it’s what they can afford (I’ve been there!), but ultimately do you need it? Go try the real thing and decide if it’s worth saving up for or treating yourself too. Otherwise look at what you already have, and know that you definitely don’t need that extra product you may barely reach for. Shopping for dupes actually only furthers this unhealthy desire of overconsumption!
If you see this follow me lol - Mary🪬