Success Stories


Launching a new role-playing game in Vietnam with a full-funnel strategy on TikTok

VLTK1M Cover VLTK1M logo

VLTK1M stats

46 k
App Downloads
47 %
CPI-to-bid ratio
450 %

The Objective

A rapidly growing economy and a mobile-first population have accelerated Vietnam’s mobile gaming scene, making it one of the biggest players in Southeast Asia. When VNG—one of the country’s leading mobile game publishers—wanted to launch its latest role-playing game, Võ Lâm Truyền Kỳ 1 Mobile (VLTK1M), it had a clear strategy in mind: to increase brand presence and boost mobile app installations. With its large user base and intuitive ad solutions, TikTok was the perfect way to go.

The Solution

To capitalise on the growing excitement for the game’s release, VNG implemented a One Day Max In-Feed ad campaign on its official launch day. With a goal of increasing its app installation numbers, VNG targeted users who had seen the ODM ad but had not yet downloaded the game by serving them a repurposed ad creative two days later. Coupled with broad mobile app install campaigns, this helped to boost app download rates.

Producing over 40 ad creatives helped VNG circumvent the issue of ad-fatigue and enabled them to reach out to Vietnam’s mobile gaming community in an organic and targeted manner. This included working with popular local TikTok creators for the campaign. For instance, one creator produced a game review in Vietnamese for a more authentic, localised approach which instilled a sense of familiarity in users. Apart from building on the popularity of their existing fan bases, the creators also helped to keep the ads relevant and accessible for a Vietnamese demographic.

The Result

Adding a personal touch to the campaign reaped huge dividends for VLTK1M as ad creatives featuring popular TikTok creators led to higher-than-average click-through rates. Within the first week of the campaign launch, the ad budget was fully maximised to generate over 46,000 app downloads, resulting in a 47% cost per install-to-bid ratio. This translated to a 450% return on ad spend, a highly cost-effective strategy that delivered strong results. Thanks to smart, innovative ads, VLTK1M once again cemented its reputation as one of the key frontrunners of Vietnam’s mobile gaming scene.

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